Calculus, 10th Edition (Anton)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 0-47064-772-8
ISBN 13: 978-0-47064-772-1

Chapter 4 - Integration - Chapter 4 Review Exercises - Page 345: 56


If f is integrable on the interval [a,b] then its average value is given by $avg(f) =\frac{\int_{a}^{b} f(x)\,dx}{a-b}$ $\huge \int_{\Large\frac12}^{\normalsize2} \large{\frac{x^2}{2}}+\large{\frac{1}{x^2}} = \frac{x^3}{6} - \frac{1}{x}$ Substituting the limit of integration gives the value of integration as $\frac{5}{6}-(\frac{-95}{48}) = \frac{135}{48}$ Average value of the integral is ${\frac{138\div48}{3\div2}} = \frac{23}{12}$

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If f is integrable on the interval [a,b] then its average value is given by $avg(f) =\frac{\int_{a}^{b} f(x)\,dx}{a-b}$ $\huge \int_{\Large\frac12}^{\normalsize2} \large{\frac{x^2}{2}}+\large{\frac{1}{x^2}} = \frac{x^3}{6} - \frac{1}{x}$ Substituting the limit of integration gives the value of integration as $\frac{5}{6}-(\frac{-95}{48}) = \frac{135}{48}$ Average value of the integral is ${\frac{138\div48}{3\div2}} = \frac{23}{12}$
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