Danny the Champion of the World

Danny the Champion of the World Imagery

Deathly Silence (Auditory Imagery)

When Danny wakes up to realize his father is not with him, he panics and leaves the caravan. Sitting on the steps to their door, he looks for a sign of his father. Dahl writes: "There was a new moon in the sky and across the road the big field lay pale and deserted in the moonlight. The silence was deathly." In this example of auditory imagery, Dahl emphasizes the mood of dread by describing the deathly silence Danny hears as he waits for his father.

Caught a Glimpse (Visual Imagery)

While driving the Austin Seven to find his missing father, Danny sees another vehicle approaching on the road, its headlights growing in size. At the moment the car passes him, Danny comments: "And in that tiny fraction of a second when the two of us were alongside one another, I caught a glimpse of its white-painted body and I knew it was the police." In this example of visual imagery, Dahl immerses the reader in Danny's sensory experience by not revealing that it is a police car until Danny himself realizes this fact.

Noise of Shooting Rolls Across the Valley (Auditory Imagery)

In another example of auditory imagery, Danny comments on how Hazell's guests flock to his forest to shoot pheasants on the first of October: "They come with their guns and their dogs and their wives, and all day long the noise of shooting rolls across the valley." As a local who doesn't join in the hunt, Danny's experience of the hunt is reduced to the noise their guns make as the sound echoes over the area.

Pungent Smell (Olfactory Imagery)

When Danny and his father crawl into Hazell's Wood to reach the clearing where they can distribute their raisins, they keep low to avoid attracting the keepers' attention. Dahl writes: "I flattened my body against the ground and pressed one side of my face into the brown leaves. The soil below the leaves had a queer pungent smell, like beer." In this example of olfactory imagery, Dahl immerses the reader in Danny's experience by describing what he smells as he gets his nose close to the leaves rotting on the ground.