Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 19 - The Kinetic Theory of Gases - Problems - Page 578: 23



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Given: $\theta=55^{\circ}$ $v=1000\frac{m}{s}$ $m=3.3*10^{-27}kg$ $A=2.0cm^2=0.0002m^2$ $\Delta{t}=10^{23}$ (the time it takes for a single molecule to hit the wall) Use the equation $F=\frac{\Delta{P}}{\Delta{t}}$ to find the force of the beam: $F=\frac{mv_x-(-mv_x)}{\Delta{t}}=\frac{2mv_x}{\Delta{t}}=\frac{2(3.3*10^{-27}kg)(1000\frac{m}{s})cos(55^{\circ})}{10^{-23}s}\approx0.37856$ Now find the pressure that the force exerts on the area with $P=\frac{F}{A}$ $P=\frac{0.37856}{2*10^{-4}}\approx1900Pa$ I use $\approx$ as I rounded to the appropriate significant figures.
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