Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 19 - The Kinetic Theory of Gases - Problems - Page 578: 19b



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$v_{rms}=\sqrt\frac{3RT}{M}$......eq(1) The value of $v_{rms}$ was found from part (a) to be 511 m/s. Therefore, half $v_{rms}=\frac{511}{2}=255.5 \frac{m}{s}$ We now rearrange eq (1) to make $T$ the subject of the formula: $T=\frac{(v_{rms})^2(M)}{3R}$ Substituting the values into this equation to solve for $T$: $T=\frac{(255.5)^2(28\times10^{-3})}{3(8.314)}=73 K$ Therefore, $T_C^{\circ}=73-273=-200C^{\circ}$
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