Solution set = $\{0.01,10^{3/2}\}$
Work Step by Step
The equation is defined only for $ x\gt 0$.
Temporarily, substitute $ t=\log x $.
We have
$ t(2t+1)=6$
Factor by finding two factors of $2(-6)=-12$ with a sum of 1. We find -3 and +4. Rewrite and factor in pairs.
t=-2\Rightarrow & \log x=-2\Rightarrow & x=10^{-2}=0.01\\
or & & \\
t=3/2\Rightarrow & \log x=3/2\Rightarrow & x=10^{3/2}\approx 31.62
Solution set = $\{0.01,10^{3/2}\}$
Check graphically: