Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321785045
ISBN 13: 978-0-32178-504-6

Chapter 8 - Section 8.4 - Nonlinear Inequalities in One Variable - Exercise Set - Page 511: 40


$(−∞,-5/2)$ U $(9/4,∞)$

Work Step by Step

$(4x-9)(2x+5)>0$ $4x-9>0$ $4x-9+9>0+9$ $4x > 9$ $4x/4 > 9/2$ $ x > 9/4$ $2x+5 > 0$ $2x+5-5 > 0-5$ $2x > -5$ $2x/2 > -5/2$ $x > -5/2$ We have three sections: $(−∞,-5/2)$, $(-5/2, 9/4)$, and $(9/4,∞)$. We need to test one value for x in each section to determine if the section would be a solution set. Since we have the $0$ $(4(-5)-9)(2(-5)+5)>0$ $(-20-9)(-10+5)>0$ $-29*-5 >0$ $145 > 0$ (true) $x=0$ $(4x-9)(2x+5)>0$ $(4*0-9)(2*0+5)>0$ $(0-9)(0+5) >0$ $-9*5 >0$ $-45 > 0$ (false) $x=5$ $(4x-9)(2x+5)>0$ $(4*5-9)(2*5+5)>0$ $(20-9)(10+5)>0$ $11*15>0$ $165 > 0$ (true)
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