The average number of pennies produced per person is 16.
Work Step by Step
We need to write 4,939,000,000 as the product of a number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10, and an integral power of 10.
The number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 will be 4.939
The decimal point has moved 9 places, so the exponent of 10 will be 9.
So, 4,939,000,000 = 4.939 $\times$ $10^{9}$
Also, we need to convert 310,000,000 to scientific notation. We follow the same procedure.
The number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 will be 3.1
The decimal point has moved 8 places, so the exponent of 10 will be 8.
So, 310,000,000 = 3.1 $\times$ $10^{8}$
To find the average number of pennies produced per person, we divide 4.939 $\times$ $10^{9}$ by 3.1 $\times$ $10^{8}$.
So, $\frac{4.939 \times 10^{9}}{3.1 \times 10^{8}}$ = $\frac{4.939}{3.1}$ $\times$ $10^{9-8}$ = 1.59322580645 $\times$ 10
= 15.9322580645, or approximately 16.