Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (3rd Edition)

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0321809246
ISBN 13: 978-0-32180-924-7

Chapter 3 - Sections 3.1-3.12 - Exercises - Problems by Topic - Page 131: 54a


The formula of phosphoric acid is $H_{3}PO_{4}$.

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Oxyacids with oxanions ending in -ate are named as : $ 'base name \hspace{1mm}of \hspace{1mm}oxyanion' + ic + acid$ Here, $phosphor$ is the basename and the oxyanion ends in $-ate$. so, the oxyanion is phosphate: $PO_{4}^{3-}$. To balance the charges, 3 hydrogen ions are present. So, the formula of phosphoric acid is $H_{3}PO_{4}$.
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