"The Stolen Party" and Other Stories

"The Stolen Party" and Other Stories Imagery

Sitting Thoughtfully in His Cage (Visual Imagery)

Upon arriving at Luciana's party, Rosaura carefully enters the kitchen to have a look at the magician's monkey. The monkey sits "deep in thought, inside its cage." The bizarre juxtaposition of a caged monkey in a kitchen creates a surreal visual image that transfixes Rosaura; she returns to the kitchen throughout the party to confirm that the monkey has disappeared.

Cake So Thin One Could See Through It (Visual Imagery)

While distributing pieces of cake, Rosaura exercises her power by rewarding the people she favors. To punish Luciana's hostile cousin, Rosaura hands over "a slice so thin one could see through it." In this visual image, the thinness of the cake slice is emphasized by the suggestion that it is transparent.