Red Sorghum, written by Mo Yan, tells the story of the Chinese battling Japanese intruders as well as each other during the 1930s. Furthermore, it details the tragedy of the Chinese defending and preserving their culture through a series of...

Jez Butterworth wrote Jerusalem, a melancholic yet humorous play published during 2009 by Nick Hern Books. This play's setting and story plot are rooted in an English country community involving gangs and gypsies, among other things. Specifically,...

I Shall Not Hate (A Gaza Doctor's Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity) was written by Izzeldin Abuelaish, which is a riveting yet heart-breaking account of his life. It was first published during 2010 and was later published during 2011...

Inspired by The Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood, Cabaret is a musical/drama film directed by Bob Fosse released in 1972. It was an extremely successful film, winning 8 Oscars and earning $48.2 million worldwide.

The movie is set in 1931...

Excitement sizzled like electricity through the air when Tim Burton was announced as the director who would bring Batman back to the screen with a new big screen update promising to take the Caped Crusader back from the campy wilderness he’d been...

Homegoing is the first novel by Ghanaian-American author Yaa Gyasi. Following the descendants of an Asante woman named Maame, the novel paints a complex picture of the intertwined histories of Ghana and the United States from the 1700's to present...

Why Buddhism Is True or Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment is a non-fiction book published in 2017 by the American author Robert Wright.

Robert Wright wrote extensively about religion and in this book...

An author of American origin, Maggie Nelson was born in 1973. She authored the work, “The Argonauts” and has currently bagged several awards, notably the 2016 Macarthur Fellowship “Genius Grant” and a 2012 Creative Capital Leadership Fellowship....