Limitless Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Discuss the theme of drug addiction in the movie 'Limitless.'

    Drug addiction is prevalent throughout the movie, and it illustrates how addicts keep on going back to the drug because they cannot live without it. The primary character in the film is Eddie, an aspiring author in New York City. Eddie is trying to be a successful author, but his efforts are not yielding any fruits. When Eddie discusses his challenges with Vernon, his brother-in-law, he proposes trying the NZT-48 drug. According to Vernon, the drug improves intelligence and helps Eddie succeed in writing his book. Eddie agrees to the proposal and starts taking the medication. Eddie becomes reliant on this drug because he cannot finish a day before using the medicine. The other person who is addicted to the same drug is Gennady, Eddie's moneylender. Gennady becomes even more addicted to the drug, and at last, he dies. Even if the drug improves Eddie's intelligence level and succeeds in writing his book, it is addictive when overused.

  2. 2

    Is the NZT-48 drug harmful to human beings?

    According to the movie 'Limitless,' the NZT-48 drug is not harmful when used in correct doses. The NZT-48 drug is a biological innovation whose target is to help human beings tap their full potential. For instance, Eddie only succeeds in writing and selling his book after using the drug. However, overusing the NZT-48 drug can be harmful and even result in the death of the user. Therefore, the movie reminds readers that the NZT-48 drug is like other drugs that must be used according to prescription.

  3. 3

    How does success life lead to greediness and heartlessness?

    Eddie is depicted as a struggling author who yearns for success in his writing career. When he starts using the NZT-48 drug, he becomes successful in his career and becomes greedy for more success. Later on, Eddie takes a loan of US$100,000 from Gennady. When he fails to repay the loan, Eddie introduces Gennady to the drug, which he overuses. Eddie gets the perfect opportunity to kill Gennady, and that is the only escape route he can use to avoid repaying the debt. Therefore, after Eddie succeeds in his writing career, he becomes greedy and heartless because he uses his influence to get whatever he wants.

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