Head-On Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Head-On Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

No Filter

Cahit tears the filter off of his cigarette before smoking it in the psychologists office. This is a symbol of his need for the sting, and his desire to get away from life as soon as possible.

Off the Path

Sibel runs off of the walking path after speaking with Cahit while they are at the hospital after their attempts at killing themselves. Her running off the path symbolizes her current nature in life--that she is not only off the path of life, but runs from it.

Wedding Ring

Sibel purchases a wedding ring for Cahit and brings it to his apartment. It is a symbol that what they are doing is real. After having become a widower he knows the weight and meaning in a wedding band.

Firm Shake

Cahit meets Sibel's sister, Selma for the first time at their wedding. She shakes his hand firmly, pulling him in close and not letting go. It is a symbol of her suspecting that this marriage isn't real and her fiercely protective nature of her sister.

Bloody Hands

Cahit smashes his beer on the bar counter and slams his hands into the glass. It is a symbol of the pain he is allowing into his life on top of what he deals with daily after losing his life.

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