X: A Fabulous Child's Story

X: A Fabulous Child's Story Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


By using x – instead of ex – in words, for example ‘xpected’, ‘xperiment’, etc, Gould stresses the use of an alphabet to address a child instead of gender-specific names. X has been used to denote a mystery element, or an independent variable in mathematics to solve problems. By naming the child as X, Gould seems to be suggesting that X could be solution to issues of gender conformity.

Official Instruction Manual

The manual that the scientists prepare for the Joneses is enormous, as it contains every hypothetical the Joneses might encounter when raising X. The sheer length of this manual suggests how normalized gender roles are, and how thoroughly they are engrained in society.

Checked Overalls

X’s checked overalls are a symbol of X's gender neutrality. The Joneses dress X in these overalls in order to avoid the gendered attachment to dresses (for girls) or pants (for boys). Influenced by X's example, other children too start dressing in overalls, showing their acceptance of X’s choices and disregard toward traditional gender roles