X: A Fabulous Child's Story


Lois Gould was a journalist and author who had written one novel, Such Good Friends, in 1970.[1] In 1972, the feminist magazine Ms. began its print run.[1] In December 1972 Ms. published Gould's short story "X: A Fabulous Child's Story" in the Stories for Free Children column in its sixth issue.[1][2] The story was revised, illustrated, and republished by Daughters Publishing as a 52-page hardcover picture book on July 18, 1978.[1][3][4] The artwork was done by Jacqueline Chwast, a freelance visual artist who was known for an illustration style evoking woodcut but that in actuality employed negative space cut from black construction paper. Gould knew of Chwast's artwork and hoped she would illustrate X: A Fabulous Child's Story. Interested in the themes of the story, Chwast agreed to do the illustrations after Gould contacted her.[5]

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