The Red Pony Imagery

The Red Pony Imagery

Imagery of the Ranch in the Morning

When Jody had the Red Pony, he would wake up early in the morning to visit it. Everything was the color of silver-gray including the house and trees. Even the fields were bathed in the drowsy light. It reminded Jody of a photograph negative. The turkeys roosted out of harm's way in some trees. Dew covered the ground which displayed tracks of rabbits and mice. The dogs prowled out of there houses to see who was up and about.

Imagery of the Rainy Ranch

Near the beginning of winter before Thanksgiving, rain constantly filled the sky. The dirt turned a darker shade of brown. The mildew turned the stubble ends black. Exposure grayed the haystacks. Although the moss that grew on the roof had been gray all summer, it now turned a greenish yellow. It did not take long for new grass to spring up from the ground.

Imagery of the Mountains

The mountains piled up in the distance. The further west the mountains were the darker they appeared to Jody. A jagged ridge towering over the rest was the farthest the boy could see. The mountains are filled with the unknown, and no one seemed to know much about the mysterious landforms. The mountains' wilderness caused a yearn in Cody's heart.

Imagery of the Side Hill

The spring sunshine washed over the hill. The blue lupins and red poppies that were scattered on the hill were blooming. The rest of the hill was filled with sagebrushes. One of the dogs, Doubletree Mutt, tried to catch a squirrel by digging in its hole. Where the road came through the ridge, Jody's father who was on horseback deeply contrasted the dull sky. As the horse trotted towards the house, Jody caught a glimpse of a letter in his father's hand.

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