The Babees Book Characters

The Babees Book Character List

The young boy

The young boy is the main character in the book, the person the narrator addresses until the last page. From the way the boy is described it is clear that he comes from a well off family and is someone who in well educated. The boy is advised to follow the writings in the book, especially if the boy desires to have a meaningful and fulfilling life. However, not many things are revealed about the young boy and as such, he remains a mystery.

The young girl

The young girl is another important character though she is not considered as important as the boy. The girl is also tasked with learning how to behave in society but the purpose for this learning process is not so that they become valuable members of society but rather submissive wives and good mothers. These roles given to the girl are important because they are representative for the time frame in which the book was written.

The narrator

The narrator appears here only as a voice, but a very influential one. The narrator assumes the role of teacher for the children mentioned in the book and also, as a guide. The narrator tries to claim a position of superiority while also trying to remain humble. Not much else is told about the narrator or his background since the focus has to fall on the children, not on the narrator.

The mother

The mother in a character who is present throughout the book but she is also someone who does not speak at all. The mother is described as a submissive person, someone who is not truly capable of taking decisions by herself and as such needs the guidance of a man in her life.

The father

The father is another important person, the head of the family and the one responsible for the physical and spiritual health of his family. The father has complete control over the family and no one should dare to question his authority. In this sense, the father can be compared to God and his authority.

The priest

The priest is another important figure, the one who has the greatest amount of importance in the book. The priest is compared with God and as such his word is considered to be above the law. Everyone must obey the priest, including the King and Queen and his actions are never wrong since they are seem as being the result of God's will.

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