College Physics (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32160-183-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-32160-183-4

Chapter 3 - Motion in Two Dimensions - Learning Path Questions and Exercises - Exercises - Page 99: 52


a). $0.765m$ b). Had the cannon been accelerating, the ball would not have fallen into it.

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a). Initial vertical velocity = 5 m/s. $v=u+at$ $0=5-9.8\times t$ $t=0.51 s$ Total time =$2\times 0.51=1.02 s$ So, horizontal distance in this time $=0.75\times 1.02=0.765m$ b). Had the cannon been accelerating, the ball would not have fallen into it. Because the distance traversed by both would be not same for both.
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