Chemistry: Molecular Approach (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0134112830
ISBN 13: 978-0-13411-283-1

Chapter 5 - Exercises - Page 240: 37


$$V = 3.0 \space L $$ The volume would not be different if the gas was argon if we consider that both helium and argon are Ideal Gases, which is appropriate for these conditions.

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1. According to the Ideal Gas Law: $$V = \frac{nRT}{P} = \frac{( 0.118 \space mol)( 0.08206 \space atm \space L \space mol^{-1} \space K^{-1} )( 305 \space K)}{ 0.97 \space atm }$$ $$V = 3.0 \space L $$ The volume would not be different if the gas was argon if we consider that both helium and argon are Ideal Gases, which is appropriate for these conditions.
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