Chemistry (4th Edition)

Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
ISBN 10: 0078021529
ISBN 13: 978-0-07802-152-7

Chapter 4 - Section 4.6 - Aqueous Reactions and Chemical Analysis - Checkpoint - Page 171: 4.6.5


a) 7.20 mL

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H₂SO₄ (aq) + Ba(OH)₂ (aq) → BaSO₄ (s)+ 2H₂O (l) From the balanced equation, we notice that 1 mmol of Ba(OH)₂ is neutralized with 1 mmol of H₂SO₄ , as the reaction ratio is 1:1 . we have, n (mmol) = M(mo/L)×L(mL) → n (mmol) of neutralized of Ba(OH)₂ = 0.0415 × 25 = 1.0375 mmol and n (mmol) of H₂SO₄ = 1.0375 mmol So, L (mL) = n (mmol/L) / M (mol/L) = 1.0375/0.144 = 7.20 mL
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