Chemistry (4th Edition)

Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
ISBN 10: 0078021529
ISBN 13: 978-0-07802-152-7

Chapter 4 - Section 4.6 - Aqueous Reactions and Chemical Analysis - Checkpoint - Page 171: 4.6.2


(d) MgCl₂

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If we suggest that magnesium chloride is the unknown compound, so the reaction that occur is: MgCl₂ (aq) + 2AgNO₃ (aq) → 2AgCl (s) + Mg(NO₃)₂ (aq) from this reaction we include that n(mol) of AgCl = 2n (mol) of MgCl₂ → n(mol) of AgCl = mass(g)/Mw(g/mol) = 30.1/143.5 = 0.21 mol → n(mol) of MgCl₂ = 0.21/2 = 0.105 mol so mass of MgCl₂ = 0.105×95.2 = 9.996 g ≈ 10.0 g
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