Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1337613924
ISBN 13: 978-1-33761-392-7

Chapter 14 - Section 14.7 - Maximum and Minimum Values - 14.7 Exercise - Page 1017: 23


All points that lie on the line $x=2y$ are critical points

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Let us first find the critical points of the function where $f_x$ and $f_y$ are equal to 0, assuming first and second partial derivatives are continuous. $f_x=2x-4y$ and $f_y=8y-4x$ There are an infinite number of critical points because the equations are integer multiples of each other. All points that lie on the line $x=2y$ is a critical point. $f_{xx}=2$ and $f_{yy}=8$ and $f_{xy}=-4$. $D(x,y)=(2)(8)-(-4)^2=0$ for each point on the line. To show that the critical points are local and absolute minima, let us rewrite the function in a different format. $f(x,y)=(x+2y)^2+2$. The expression (x+2y) is squared, which means it cannot be negative. Therefore, the function has an absolute minimum, which is given by the critical points.
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