Ready Player Two Themes

Ready Player Two Themes

Technology taking over

Throughout the book, Art3mis is worried about the addictive effects that the ONI with release upon the public. Having most of the population already addicted to gaming and the virtual world, she is well aware that humanity is being disconnected to reality. However, Wade does not seem to see it like this, but instead argues that the virtual world offers the chance to make new connections that could not be possible otherwise.

Escapism through technology

The idea of a virtual world that resembles an environment so different to the harshness of the real world, is one that clearly holds appeal. People are barely surviving, and disease is rife; yet, immersing oneself in this virtual utopia of-sorts, allows a form of escapism from the bitterness of real life and allows one to anticipate a better life for themselves, whether it is a falsehood or not.

Humanism in technology

The introduction of the ONI seems to change the dynamics of everything known about technology so far. Now, being able to provide material substance to technology by allowing the interface to access emotions and memories, provides a more personable approach to the virtual world. But this also proves to be dangerous because it begs the question whether humans are in control of themselves or whether ammunition has just been put into the hands of technology.

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