Ready Player Two Imagery

Ready Player Two Imagery

Imagery of the simulated reality

The new technology Wade discovers enables the users to be immersed into the simulated world with all their senses. It is described as a world of all possibilities that feel like reality. People record their own, actual, experiences which other users are then able to live through, to literally “be in their skin”. The language that follows the description of this new world is the language connected to addiction, a poison that each person takes willingly.

Auditory imagery of Anorak’s threat

Anorak, Halliday’s avatar turned into AI, suddenly appears as a great threat for Wade and his friends but also humanity. He speaks to the group in a condescending tone, mocking them in an understated manner and using the song of mockery to make fun of their situation. “An old Peter Wolf tune came blasting out of the speakers at a deafening volume as Anorak sang along with its opening refrain: Lights out ah ha. Blast, blast, blast.” It is this same tune that Wade uses to mock Anorak in return at the end when they are finally able to beat him.

Imagery of music

Throughout the quest for the seven shards, and Wade’s visions of Kira’s past there is some sort of music playing relevant to the situation. Such are the songs playing after Wade wins the Ninja game and the second shard and sees a vision of Halliday having a jealous and obsessive fit over Kira. “As I played, I noticed something odd about the music playing on the arcade’s jukebox. The same three songs kept playing, over and over. “Obsession” by Animotion, the “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield, followed by “My Best Friend’s Girl” by the Cars.”

Pop culture

Pop culture is a large part of the world building in the OASIS simulation and Wade’s quest on which the entire humanity depends. Instances of famous classic music pieces, to classic movies (predominantly the movie inventory of John Hughes in one of the quests where the entire planet is made up out of scenes of his famous movies), and an entire world dedicated to Prince, his persona and his music.

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