In Time Irony

In Time Irony

Will's Heroic Act (situational irony)

Will thinks he is saving Henry's life when he helps him escape Fortis and his gang. In reality, Henry was tired after living for too long and was looking to provoke an incident that would cost him his time and result in death. Ironic considering that Will put his own life in danger trying to save a man who wanted to die anyway.

Rachel's Death (situational and dramatic irony)

Will's mother Rachel dies just when her son is gifted enough time that would have been more than enough for both of them to live. She was short of half an hour for a bus trip when her son had a century worth of time on his sleeve. A few seconds could have saved her because she dies just when Will reaches her. It's ironic considering that she might have saved up those crucial seconds instead of talking to the bus driver or begging a passerby for help.

Silvia's Wish (situational irony)

After meeting Will, Silvia confides in him that she wants to do something foolish. When he takes her hostage to use her as leverage, she finds herself in the ghetto-like zone, robbed of her time, living minute by minute. This situation is ironic and she realizes it, stating that she got her wish, she did something foolish after all.

Timekeeper Raymond's Purpose (situational irony)

Timekeeper Raymond chases after Will Salas and Sylvia Weis throughout most of the movie because they broke the law many times. When he finally catches them and has the two of them at gunpoint, he dies, only seconds after realizing he forgot to replenish his time. The situation is ironic because Timekeeper Raymond, despite not believing in the system, dedicated fifty years of his life, until the very last second, to its protection. And in the end, it's the system that caused his death before he could even fulfill his duty and arrest Will and Sylvia.

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