In Time

In Time Analysis

The film is a future-set story that is carved out of Robin Hood. Will is given the one thing he needs to begin to fight back against the elite who have been oppressing the poor: time. We see that he is clumsy with it, even reckless at first, as he has only had one point of view on it his whole life, which is he's never had it. But, when he's had it and lost most of it he gains a new perspective: that it won't last forever, and getting more and losing it are just as simple; it's a matter of are you willing to change your mind and fight the system, or stay ingrained in the same mindset that allowed the system to work you and everyone else over for years?

Will and Sylvia become the ones that push the boulder off the cliff allowing the system to begin to change as they give away one million years to the poorest of Will's city. In doing so, they are able to shut down the oppressive factories which hold people hostage in their lives. Once the boundaries that hold people down are able to be abandoned, new opportunities arise to equalize power.

The film represents the danger of capitalism and allowing the few to make a commodity out of every resource and be convinced that they are the only ones who can hold this power. They do so by ingraining a poverty mindset into each person, and ensuring they remain slaves to their factory jobs as the workers are only paid enough to live day to day, thus any thought of a future or a rebellion is out of the question as everyone has time only to live for that particular day and must do so looking over their shoulder for violent gangs who are out to rob them of their time. Sound familiar? The film is symbolic for every system that continues to thrive off of oppression, and that fears a lack of truth.

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