In the Afterlight Themes

In the Afterlight Themes

Theme of otherness

Otherness is an overlapping theme throughout the novels. The treatment of others, those different from what's considered to be normal is what sticks out of the plot. The IAAN affected kids are feared, treated as monsters, animals less than human just because of what they are, and it's not even their fault. At the end of this novel and fight for their freedom the adults in charge are still not ready to accept them, they want to put them in separate communities away from those who aren't like them and as Chubs points out it still sends a message after everything that they are bad and shouldn't be treated as humans, it will be no different than when they were in those dreadful camps. Even though a negative character, Clancy had some good points about this issue, he told Ruby that even after she takes the cure they will never look at she as one of them, there will always be fear present.

Theme of survival

In her interview, Zu talks about her experiences and how both sides are only afraid and trying to survive. The fear and will for survival leads good people to do bad things and no one should be blamed but those who caused the issue. Ruby had to make some difficult choices to survive as well just like everyone else and Zu's point is that there are good people and only difference between is that bad ones are louder.

Theme of friendship

Friendship is present as a force that moves people forward and pushes them out of the darkness they get into. Without her friends, Ruby knows that she wouldn't have the strength to move forward, to fight and to hope for a better future. They make her stronger just like she makes them stronger. Friendship is the reason that even in the hopeless situations they are able to find some light.

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