In the Afterlight Irony

In the Afterlight Irony

Irony of IAAN

IAAN affected kids are hunted and killed because of what happened to them, because of their abilities. Ironically, the government that hunts them is the reason they got infected in the first place. IAAN is the result of water being poisoned because of the government testing.

Irony of Reds positioned to guard the PSI kids in Thurmond

When Ruby arrives at Thurmond she notices that the Reds are guarding the PSI kids there. Reds have been manipulated and have lost every aspect of themselves, making them only tools now. In an ironic cruel act, they've been positioned to guard their own kind.

Irony of ending

At the end, it seems that nothing changed. The PSI kids have been given the options to agree to suppress their abilities or to live in an isolated community where they won't be able to come in contact with other people. The plan looks like a watered down version of the camps they fought so hard to take down. The PSI kids need to stand their own ground if they want to change their fate, because no one else will.

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