
Family Summary and Analysis of Chapters 37-39


Chueh-hsin mournfully looks at his wedding photo, blaming himself for Jui-chueh's death, when Chueh-hui announces he is running away to Shanghai. Chueh-hsin initially counsels Chueh-hui to wait until after Yeh-yeh's funeral, but preferably for two years. Chueh-hui is unwilling to wait and says he will borrow money from someone else to escape from the family. Chueh-hsin promises to talk to the older generation on Chueh-hui's behalf.

Chueh-hsin calls Chueh-hui to his room later. He says that he failed to convince the family to support Chueh-hui's move. However, Chueh-hsin promises to help Chueh-hui become a "rebel" by lending him money. He even suggests that Chueh-hui write a fake, condemning letter to Chueh-hsin to throw off the family. Then, Chueh-min and Chin enter the room, having chosen to stand sentry outside the door. Chueh-min and Min plan to set a wedding date after Yeh-yeh's funeral, as they have Mrs. Chang's support. The two plan to stay in Chengdu until Chin finishes her studies, then join Chueh-hui in Shanghai.

A servant calls Chueh-hsin to look over eulogies written by Jui-chueh's brother. The eulogies call out Chueh-hsin's bitterness and state that Chueh-hsin's in-laws are raising his newborn son. Reading this cements Chueh-hsin's belief that the Kao family "needs a rebel."

Chueh-hui sits talking with his friends from the magazine in the Li Chun Newspaper Reading room. They all express excitement for his journey but regret that he will no longer be contributing to the magazine. They suggest that Chueh-hui write letters and articles using the new ideas he learns in Shanghai. As the students plan a farewell party for Chueh-hui, a friend, Chih, tells Chueh-hui that he overheard that the ship on which Chueh-hui will be leaving departs the following morning. Chueh-hui's first thought is to see his brothers, but his friends convince him to go to a restaurant to celebrate instead.

Chueh-hui walks home late. One of his friends points out a particularly full moon and asks if Chueh-hui will miss Chengdu. Chueh-hui finally reaches his family compound and goes to see his brothers. When Chueh-hui says his ship will leave tomorrow, the brothers plan to visit Chin in the morning. Chueh-hsin provides Chueh-hui with four cans of ham, promises to pay for all Chueh-hui's schooling in Shanghai, and, overcome with emotion, collapses into his chair and weeps.

Chueh-hui decides to see his stepmother, Mrs. Chou, one final time. She appears somewhat wise to Chueh-hui's plans to leave for Shanghai; Chueh-hui leaves without giving her indication that he plans to leave the following day.

Chueh-min and Chueh-hsin see Chueh-hui off. Chueh-hsin cannot see Chueh-hui to Chin's house and the boat, and instead says goodbye at the gate. Chueh-hui and Chueh-min visit Chin, who gives Chueh-hui a picture of herself as a parting gift. Chueh-hui and Chueh-min go to the boat. Chueh-min sees Chueh-hui set up in his cabin and encourages him to take care of himself before the captain asks Chueh-min and Chueh-hui's friends to leave the ship. As Chueh-hui departs, he stares out over the water and puts aside his sorrow, allowing himself to feel joy for the life he is creating for himself.


Jui-chueh's death is the last straw for both Chueh-hui and Chueh-hsin. Chueh-hsin, mourning his wife and Mei, finally defies his family, albeit surreptitiously. Chueh-hui decides to reject his family and escape to Shanghai.

Chueh-hui chooses to celebrate his last night in Chengdu with his friends instead of his family. This choice demonstrates the earlier established idea that Chueh-hui values relationships formed through shared ideals more than family relationships. Chueh-hui chooses to say goodbye to his brothers, Chin, and Madam Chou. This choice demonstrates that the relatives Chueh-hui cares about are the ones who either reached out to him or who share his dreams and ideals. Additionally, Madam Chou is the last remaining elder of his nuclear family and the only direct authority over Chueh-hui. When Chueh-hui sees Madam Chou for the final time, he also says farewell to the family system as a whole.

Chueh-hsin only walks to the edge of the compound; he is literally and symbolically unable to cross the threshold from the family compound to the outer world. Chueh-hsin wants to support his brother, as he always does, but is limited by his own philosophy. Chueh-hsin is thus only able to help Chueh-hui secretly. Chueh-min escorts Chueh-hui to the boat but does not depart with him. This gesture shows that Chueh-min's devotion to the New Culture Movement brought him to the point where he was willing to defy his family, but Chueh-min is unwilling to abandon the family system fully.

Chueh-hui's departure on the boat is the inverse of Ming-feng's death. Chueh-hui rides along rapidly flowing water, while Ming-feng submerges herself in still waters. Chueh-hui leaves in the morning, while Ming-feng drowned herself in the dead of night. Chueh-hui's departure symbolizes a rebirth; without disrupting the flow of progress, he rides the current of the New Culture Movement away from his family and toward his dreams. Ming-feng, by contrast, disrupted the waters briefly to escape the family through death.