Bleachers Themes

Bleachers Themes


From the title of the book, it is evident that the novel touches in some way a theme of sports. Such an assumption is correct: there are many terms of sports, of football in particular, and the characters even listen to the record of the game from years ago, where only people familiar with the rules of the game can completely understand the record. Sports is one of the themes of the novel, but it is not the main one. Sports is more considered as a false direction, and it is felt through the professions of each of the character. One is a lawyer, the other is a sheriff, one is a criminal and steals cars, one is kept in jail, another is running a café. None of the former players has realized themselves in sports, sports has not become a solid base for their future.

Hatred vs. Love

The main character Neely all his life thought that he hated his coach Eddie Rake. There was an incident between them during one of the games when “Spartans” were losing and Rake in the break dared to hit Neely. Neely returned the offense and hit Rake into the face and broke his hand. With a broken hand Neely led the team to winning, but he bore the offense deeply in his heart and could never forget the coach for hitting and verbal offenses. But years passed, and now after the death of the coach, who apologized to Neely from the grave, Neely finally understood how great and significant Rake’s influence has been for him. Differentiation between love and hatred towards a person is the one which stands in comprehension of the outcome, and Rake has done more than enough for Neely becoming a strong and confident person, and not only in sports but in life.

Mistakes of youth

When being a young player of “Spartans,” Neely loved a girl named Cameron, but there was another girl who wanted to get Neely, and she succeeded. Being young and stupid, Neely was seduced and really hurt Cameron when he preferred her to Screamer. Only years after, Neely really understood how huge a mistake he had made, but nothing could have been changed. The mistakes of youth are the ones that make person a person, and regret is one of the most significant feelings for staying a man.

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