Before I Fall Literary Elements

Before I Fall Literary Elements


Young Adult Novel

Setting and Context

Present-day America, High School

Narrator and Point of View

Samantha Kingston

Tone and Mood

Depressing, redeeming

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: Samantha Kingston Antagonist: Death

Major Conflict

Samantha Kingston tries to find a way to die, ending the cycle of her repetitive last day.


When Samantha pushes Juliet away from the car, and is killed once and for all.


The first time Samantha dies, a moment when she bullies a girl flashes before her eyes, which foreshadows the way she will be able to finally die and put her life behind her.


Bullying is a clear understatement in the book, as it was revealed to be the reason behind everything that was happening.


The reader might have allusions to several different religions that believe in afterlife and recreation.


The image of Sam pushing Juliet out of the way and essentially saving her life in the end of the book is an important imagery, as it shows the character development Sam has had.




All the times Sam relives the last day of her life can be paralleled to each other.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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