"Beauty and the Beast" and Other Tales Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does the rose represent in "Beauty and the Beast?"

    The rose is ultimately a symbol of Beauty's authenticity and kindness. When her father leaves the home to go on a business trip, he asks his daughters what they would like as presents. Although Beauty's sisters ask for expensive gifts, Beauty instead asks for a single rose. This reveals Beauty's kind and considerate nature, as she understands her father is struggling with debt.

  2. 2

    Why can't the fairy change the prince?

    In "Prince Darling," the king is concerned about his son, as he is unsure if he is a good person. The king therefore asks the fairy to change his son into a good man, but she tells him that this cannot be done. This is because she is unable to change a man's nature and his morality. Ultimately, this represents the fact that a person's goodness must come from within.

  3. 3

    How are Beauty's sisters punished?

    Beauty's sisters reveal themselves to be superficial and unkind. As a result, they are punished by being turned into statues. Unless they amend their behavior, they are destined to watch Beauty as she leads a happy and fulfilled life.

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