Babel (2006 Film)

Babel (2006 Film) Imagery


Susan and Richard order food during a stop on their tour of Morocco. We see Susan use antibacterial lotion and then throw out the ice in their cups for fear that it will make them sick. This imagery reveals how tense she is—her resentment of her husband and her skepticism about conditions in a developing country. It is the quintessential image of a snobbish American refusing the offerings of a foreigner.

Amelia in the desert

On the morning after Santiago has left her and the Jones children in the desert, Amelia goes wandering through the heat looking for help. She is still wearing her red dress from her son's wedding, and carrying a long scarf that she drags in the orange sand, only now the dress is torn and her makeup is smeared. After a night of joy and happiness, Amelia is beleaguered and desperate, stumbling through a harsh landscape in only the clothes on her back.

Flame and Needle

We see the image of a man in a Moroccan village heating a needle with his lighter, preparing to stitch up Susan's wound. Without the sterile instruments of modern medicine, the Moroccan veterinarian must use whatever tools are available to him to help the squeamish Susan.

Hand on Gun

As he speaks to Santiago, the border patrol agent on duty puts his hand on his gun and asks Santiago to get out of the car. This imagery immediately heightens the tension in the scene, showing the animosity and fear that the border agent feels in doing his job, and his prejudice against the irreverent Santiago.