As for Me and My House Literary Elements

As for Me and My House Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The action takes place in Horizon during present time.

Narrator and Point of View

The action is told from the perspective of a third-person objective point of view.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood in the story is a neutral one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Mrs. Bentley and the antagonist is her husband.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is an internal one and is an internal one and is between Mrs. Bentley's desire to remain faithful to his husband and the desire to be happy.


The story reaches its climax when Mrs. Bentley and Mr. Bentley decide to rekindle their relationship.


The book begins with Mrs. Bentley thinking about her husband and his tendency to give an unhealthy amount of attention to other women. This scene is used to foreshadow the later instances when Mr. Bentley will impregnate Judith.


When the narrator claims that Mr. Bentley will never cheat on his wife because he is a priest is an understatement because not only does he cheat on his wife but he also impregnates another woman.


One of the main allusions we find here is the idea that is acceptable for men to cheat in their wives but it is not acceptable for women to be unfaithful.


No important imagery which has not yet been analyzed can be found here.


One of the main paradoxical ideas is that Mrs. Bentley is the one to ask for forgiveness even though she is not the one who cheated on her husband.


A parallel can be drawn between Mrs. Bentley and Judith, especially when it comes to analyzing the relationship they have with Mr. Bentley. This parallel is an important one because it shows just how little power women had and how they were expected to do everything they can just to make the men in their lives happy.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The bedroom is used here as a general term through which the narrator makes reference to the idea of pain and suffering.


We have a personification in the sentence "the table felt quiet all at once".

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