Amnesty: A Novel Themes

Amnesty: A Novel Themes


Amnesty focuses on Danny’s plight as an unregistered immigrant. He works extremely hard for a low paying job and can barely afford to rent a house. He resorts to sleeping in a closet at his job. Danny cannot apply for better jobs or government reliefs because he’s in the country illegally. Danny has been trying to legitimize his immigration papers by creating a fake identity. The only way he can have a normal life is if he can produce these requirements when required. Danny’s experience as an illegal immigrant is a prevalent societal issue that is plaguing nations that often incur a spike in illegal immigration.


Danny has to keep a lot of secrets to avoid being arrested and eventually deported. He cannot even tell his girlfriend that he is in the country illegally. To be safe, he must avoid all things that could potentially attract the wrong kind of attention. Danny is convinced that the best thing for her girlfriend is if she doesn’t know the truth. When Danny learns the truth about a killer on the loose, he is conflicted on whether to do the right thing and report him or completely avoid a situation, that would lead to his deportation and the end of his life as he knew it.


Danny’s life is shaken to the core, when one of his clients is brutally murdered with a knife and disposed at a nearby creek. The killer does a terrible job at covering his/her tracks, leaving behind a jacket that Danny vividly recognized. As Danny contemplates on what to do, the reader is exposed to the mechanics of the human psyche, as Danny considers ignoring the truth and simply focus on his wants and needs.

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