Amnesty: A Novel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Amnesty: A Novel Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Adiga describes,In the middle of the gap gleamed the magic island of Mugathwaram, coral- and jellyfish-encrusted, on which the two boys alighted to watch-as cormorants, red-breasted sea eagles, broad-winged pelicans circled over their heads-the meeting and churning of waters." The island offers an impressive setting for it is absolutely charming. The creatures present on the island contribute to a fairy-like setting which is enchanting for the boys and the inhabitants.


Adiga remarks, "Because people in Australia were famished for what weird, self-assuredly weird, even belligerently weird: like a Tamil man with golden highlights in his could anyone possibly tell you to go back to Sri Lanka and once again live as a minority over there?" Minorities are easily noticed due to their different looks that are deemed 'weird.' A Tamil would not be deemed as utterly Australian due to his looks and, hence, would strain to find acceptance in Australia.

“Banyan Tree”

Adiga expounds, “A root of a banyan tree, in a village near batticaloa, burst through the corrugated tin shed protecting the grave of a pir, a Muslim saint, and touched his green cement grave like a giant’s finger: here on this new continent, Danny remembered that transgressing banyan root, remembered it like one who knew that life had not yet expanded sufficiently through him or like one who knew that life had not yet expanded sufficiently through him or through his body.” The tree is religious significant for it is associated with a saint. Accordingly, a Muslim would not violate it while conscious of its religious symbolism. However, in societies where the banyan tree does not carry religious weight, it could be transgressed effortlessly.


Adiga writes, “Message from your phone company: As we continue to build a mobile network for the future, we will have to say goodbye to older forms of technology. That means that the phone you appear to be using, a 2 G phone, will no longer work from next week. Buy a new 3G phone as soon as possible from our website, our many convenient retails store, or any of our retail partners.” Technology evolves continuously; users are anticipated to embrace new changes as soon as the old technology becomes obsolete. A user’s only option is to adopt or procure the latest innovations if he or she is interested in using technology.


Adiga explains, “Sixty dollars in his pocket, Danny raised both hands to his hair. He felt through his fingertips the power of his gold-highlighted strands, how they would stair envy in every man, of every race, who saw him. No one would ever again mistake him for someone born outside Australia.” The golden strands are intended to give Danny an Australian-look. He wants to alter his appearance which depicts him as a Tamil man. He longs for a sense of belonging in Australia and anticipates that the strands will satisfy his longing.

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