Alice in the Cities Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Alice so reluctant of letting Philip Winter go after the police inform her that Lisa has been found?

    Since Alice first met Philp at the airport, she liked him and with time she started developing an intimate interest with him. Philip stood by her side, especially during the difficult moments. Together with Philip, they teamed up to look for Lisa when she went missing. According to Alice, Philip had all the qualities of a lifetime friend that she was looking for. The bond between the two became very strong that even after Lisa was found, Alice wanted to be with Philip. Towards the end of the narration, the reader realizes that Alice boarded a train with Philip and they left together and an indication that they were meant for each other.

  2. 2

    Who is Lisa and what is her significance in the story Alice in the Cities by Wim Wenders?

    Lisa is Alice's mother and she plays a momentous role in the story of Alice in the Cities because she helps the author to develop the theme of love. When she meets Philip Winter at the airport, she leaves her daughter with him so that they can get along. In the process, Alice falls in love with Philip and she does not want to let him go because she has already loved him. Lisa also goes missing but the narrator notifies the reader that she has gone to make peace with her boyfriend. Lisa loves her boyfriend despite the differences between them and that is why she is going to make peace with him.

  3. 3

    Why is Philip Winter vacating the USA despite starting to write a book concerning the United States of America?

    Philip Winter is a journalist by profession and he is visiting the USA because he wants to learn more about it so that he can write a book concerning the country. However, when he starts writing his book, he realizes that his term of stay in the U.S has expired and he has no option but to return to his native country. Just like any other country, a foreigner who outlives his stay may be charged and punished. Therefore, Philip has made his mind to go back home so that he can continue writing about what he saw and experienced in the United States of America.

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