A Single Man (Film) Themes

A Single Man (Film) Themes

Loneliness and Isolation

George has just lost the love of his life. He cannot even go to the funeral as Jim's parents only are allowing family to attend. George has lived a life of isolation as he is a gay man in a time period where people have no compassion nor tolerance for homosexuality. He has had to build a life around a show that he creates to protect himself from the hatred of other people. Unfortunately, his only solace was his 16 year relationship with Jim. Now that it is gone he is pushed further into isolation and decides he doesn't want to live again. That is, until Kenny, a student convinces him otherwise.


George and Jim have the kind of love all people hope for. But, during their 16 years together (1946-1962) being gay was not acceptable in society. Even George's oldest friend, Charley says that their love was merely a substitute for the real thing. It is not the impression of love that others feel we should have, but the true experience of it that matters most and that is what must be held on to, fought for the way that George does.


George is in a state of mourning. We see him throughout the day have memories of Jim pop into his mind. The day they met, intimate moments together. Times that in the moment appear to not be ones that are remembered, but they are the ones that contain the most feeling and depth for George, as for any person who's lost love. George mourns even the annoying jovial attitude of Jim in the morning which he hated. We see a man in deep sorrow who does not believe there is any way to reconnect to the world again as Jim was his connection to life and living.

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