Unlikely Animals Imagery

Unlikely Animals Imagery

Shaw's Supermarket

Hartnett uses imagery to describe the scene at Shaw's Supermarket. She paints a vivid picture of Emma and her dad handing out posters while they search for Crystal Nash. The imagery is further reinforced when she describes the checkout boy Julian with his "pimply face" and their encounter with T.J. Horton who has a Confederate flag sticker on his rear windshield. This imagery conveys a sense of realism and texture to the story that provides readers with an immersive experience as they follow Emma and her dad on their search. Furthermore, by mentioning T.J.'s pork products and fireworks, it adds a humorous element to the narrative which highlights the absurdity of their situation. This imagery evokes emotion in readers as they journey along with Emma and Clive on their quest to find Crystal in an unlikely place like Shaw's Supermarket.

Infinity Pool

The author uses imagery to describe how Emma was feeling when she was at her lowest point while living in Tessie Blatt's parents' pool house. This is illustrated through the description of Emma's thoughts on "how easy it would be to drown yourself in an infinity pool". This imagery paints a picture of Emma's deep depression and hopelessness, as well as her sense of isolation, as infinite pools are vast and empty spaces that evoke feelings of loneliness. The use of this particular imagery reinforces the theme of hopelessness and despair that runs throughout the novel. It underscores how difficult it can be for people struggling with mental health issues like addiction to find help and support from their family or friends, as well as how isolating these experiences can be. Furthermore, this image suggests that without outside intervention, those struggling may feel they have no other choice but to succumb to their darkest impulses.

Knight in Shining Armor

There is an effective imagery of a knight in shining armor when Mack Durkee arrives with his plate of egg salad sandwiches and cookies. This image paints a romantic picture of Mack's entrance, as the metaphor of the "knight in shining armor" usually implies gallantry and heroism. Additionally, it illustrates Emma's feelings towards Mack - her eyes bulge and she laughs at his proposal, creating a playful atmosphere between them. This imagery also foreshadows what is to come later on in the passage - Emma's mother screaming and Ingrid picking up a rock to hurl at the UPS truck. The juxtaposition between the romantic imagery of Mack as a knight in shining armor and Ingrid's violent reaction creates tension that builds upon itself until it reaches its climax when Ingrid throws the rock at the truck. This imagery effectively captures both Emma's admiration for Mack and her fear about what will happen next, making for an interesting contrast.

Physical Transformations

The narrator uses imagery to emphasize the physical appearances of the characters. The description of Sid Wish as a "cleaned-up car salesman" with an arrogant attitude and slick black hair captures his ambitious spirit and lack of humility. Furthermore, Claire Wish is described as having "shoulder-length blond hair" and looking "impossibly radiant", like she has been scrubbed by angels. This evokes an image of her beauty being divinely bestowed upon her, giving her an otherworldly quality that appears almost out of reach for the other characters in the room. Finally, Jonathan Rat's remark about Claire looking like a supermodel paints a picture in our mind of someone glamorous and untouchable, further emphasizing how different she looks from when she was their teacher. Through these vivid images, the narrative conveys a sense of awe at Claire's transformation while also hinting at envy amongst the group towards her newfound success and beauty.

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