The Uninhabitable Earth Themes

The Uninhabitable Earth Themes

Destruction/ Climate change

The Uninhabitable Earth explores the impact of climate change, political instability, economic crisis, natural disasters, and fake news to the world and its inhabitants. Hurricanes have become a common occurrence as millions of people are displaced and millions of dollars in property destroyed. Wildfires, flooding, and heatwaves have also heavily impacted humanity in recent years leaving hundreds dead. Climate change is the main reason for these spikes in the number of natural disasters. These tragic events are going to keep on happening until something is done about humanity’s greed, which is driving the earth into a catastrophic end.

Ignorance and Negligence

The author uses this book to expose how humans have been negligent in taking care of the planet. They have become complacent in the destruction of the earth. People who have no knowledge of climate change or those who are simply ignorant are playing a dangerous part in driving earth to its avoidable doom. In 2017 alone, three massive hurricanes left a once in lifetime destruction in their wake. Despite the scale of these events and media attention, people remain highly ignorant when discussing solutions to mitigate climate change.


The most important thing that the author calls for in this book is the call for action to save earth from its inevitable doom. Its high time that individuals and organizations take responsibility for their part in the destruction of earth and find lasting solutions. Humans need to stop being ignorant and selfishly serving their interests at the cost of the only home planet that we have that is inhabitable. The author strictly notes that he is not an environmentalist in any way, but he recognizes the need to take responsibility and effect positive change if we have any hope of fighting climate change.

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