The Uninhabitable Earth Background

The Uninhabitable Earth Background

Inspired by his long-form magazine article of the same name in New York, David Wallace-Wells' The Uninhabitable Earth (released in 2019), is a warning about the forthcoming consequences of global warming on the Earth and the species which inhabit it (including humans). In that sense, it is an extension of Wallace-Wells' aforementioned article. In the book, Wallace-Wells also explores different futures for the Earth because of Climate Change and increasing temperatures. He argues that, even with active intervention, the effects of climate change will be catastrophic: sea levels will rise, mass heat events will plague the Earth, mass extinctions will take place, dormant diseases will become active once again, increased conflict, etc. Still, Wallace-Wells argued, the world can be saved from certain doom with tremendous, wide-ranging action taken by every individual in the world.

At release, Wallace-Wells' book received polarized reviews. Those who liked the book generally said that Wallace's prose were interesting and the science he used to support his thesis were sound. Some, however, felt that he was being too dramatic in his predictions for Earth, a notion which The Economist (which loved the book) quashed, writing, "Some readers will find Mr. Wallace-Wells’s outline of possible futures alarmist. He is indeed alarmed. You should be, too."

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