The Two Noble Kinsmen

The Two Noble Kinsmen Character List


Theseus is the Duke of Athens, who has lately conquered the Amazons, and is about to marry their queen. He is a strong and well-respected warrior who conquers Thebes after three queens urge him to pursue a war against the city.


Creon is the King of Thebes. He is also the uncle of Palamon and Arcite. Creon is cruel, tyrannical, and despised by his nephews. After refusing to abide by necessary funerary rites for dead citizens, Creon is invaded by Theseus and his army and eventually defeated.


Hippolyta is the Queen of the Amazons. After Theseus conquers the Amazons, he takes Hippolyta as his wife. Hippolyta is a confident, reliable, reasonable woman; she is a good warrior, and her sister, Emilia, becomes the object of affection for Palamon and Arcite.


Palamon is Creon’s nephew. He does not like his uncle, and does not approve of his tyrannical way of reigning. Palamon is hot-tempered and rather gloomy. He is Arcite’s cousin and his good friend, but mutual love for Emilia drives the two knights apart. Palamon falls in love with Emilia, and fights for her against Arcite in a jousting competition. Though he loses the fight, he marries Emilia anyway after Arcite tragically dies from a mortal wound.


Arcite is Creon’s other nephew, and Palamon's cousin. Arcite is cheerful and easygoing. He manages to become Emilia’s servant after having won all the competitions held in her honor. In the deadly struggle against Palamon, Arcite wins, but, unfortunately, becomes mortally injured after being thrown from his horse. Before dying, he makes amends with his cousin and tells him to marry Emilia instead.


Emilia is Hippolyta’s sister. She is a kind, sympathetic, shy, and pitying girl – often appearing in stark contrast to her mighty sister. Emilia is often blinded by her idealism and does not realize the chaos and competition unfolding around her. She is horrified when she finds out that Palamon and Arcite became enemies because of her. She refuses to choose either of them, and begs them to stop their hostility before agreeing to a jousting tournament in which the winner will have her hand.

Jailer's Daughter

While Palamon and Arcite are imprisoned in the Athenian jail, the jailor's daughter (unnamed) falls in love with Palamon. She helps him escape to safety and attempts to follow him, but soon loses track of him. Devastated, she goes mad. She runs into a troupe of dancers in the woods, who encourage her to join their performance of a Morris dance for Theseus and Hippolyta. Eventually, she falls back in love with her former betrothed after he pretends to be Palamon.


He is an Athenian general, and Theseus’s good friend. He joins the war effort when Theseus decides to invade Thebes.


Artesius is an Athenian captain, who has proved to be a good strategist. His skills as a warrior and commander aid the Athenian army in their battle against Creon.


Valerius is a nobleman of Thebes, and Creon’s confidant. Though Creon treats his nephews with cruelty, Valerius is attached to them and cares for them as a father would.


He is the local schoolmaster who encourages the jailer's daughter to join the dance for Theseus and Hippolyta.