The Sky Inside Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Sky Inside Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Electronics are broadly mentioned in the book 'Inside the Sky' to represent technological advancement. Martin says that every electronic in their house can hear every conversation and report to media houses. People have to be very careful while in the house because the state monitors the movements and actions of all people within the country. All people are compelled to watch television news whether they like it or not.

Wonder Baby

A wonder baby is a symbolic name that represents children who are genetically modified in the lab to have specific life attributes and capabilities. Cassie is a wonder baby because she was manufactured in the lab and then shipped to earth. Martin, Cassie's brother, is always protective, and he ensures that nobody abuses her. The wonder babies are super intelligent but socially stubborn. The author introduces the issue of wonder babies to reflect on the advancement of technology in human modification.

Martin’s Parents

Martin's parents are symbolic because their behavior represents futuristic parenting and modernity. In the home of Martin, there is a wide range of modern electronics which have the capacity of recording every conversation and transmit it to media houses. Similarly, Martin's parents have adopted a wonder baby daughter called Cassie. The wonder babies are considered odd by society because they are made in the lab. However, Martin's parents are civilized, and they do not care what people say. Therefore, Martin's parents represent how future families will embrace technology in childbearing because the wonder babies are intelligent than ordinary children.

Chip (Symbol of robotic technology)

The contemporary world is embracing robotic technology, especially in the production sector, where it reduces labor costs and boosts productivity. The author is futuristic when talking about Chip (the robot dog) given to Martin as a pet. At first, Martin wonders why he should have a robot as a dog, but he later loves it because it does extraordinary things that natural dogs do. Therefore, Martin becomes good friends with Chip, making his work easier because it guides him in most of his dealings.

The government (Symbol of despotism)

The government discussed in this novel is autocratic because it does everything to monitor what people are doing, even in private. For instance, the reader learns that all the electronic devices in the country are installed with monitoring devices to record when people are saying and doing. In Martin's house, the family is required to watch television every day to see whether they did something wrong and got recorded. When Martin gets his robotic dog pet, he realizes that the factory that manufactured it forgot to install the monitoring device. Consequently, the government is a symbol of autocracy because it denies people the freedom to do what they want.

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