The Sky Inside Irony

The Sky Inside Irony

Recalling of wonder babies

In HMI, all people have artificial babies because they believe that genetically modified children are more intelligent than natural babies. Consequently, no individual wants to have children using traditional means. The artificial babies are called wonder babies, and they are shipped to the world to fill the gap of those parents who need children. Satirically, errors do occur when wonder babies are made in the lab! When the government realizes that all the wonder babies in the nation are faulty, it recalls all of them to be shipped back to the sender. Cassie is a victim and one of the wonder babies who are supposed to be shipped back.

The Irony of the community

The community discussed in the book is ironic because it deviates from normal expectations. For instance, society knows that family reproduction is supposed to be done naturally through sexual intimacy. Ironically, the community embraces technology in reproduction where children are manufactured in the lab to modify their genes and intelligence. Martin's parents are aware that they live in a community that does things contrary to the norm. Satirically, Martin's parents don't care about what is happening behind them, and they proceed to acquire Cassie, one of the wonder babies in the country.

The Irony of Chip

Chip is the robotic dog that Martin owns. At first, Martin wonders why he should have a robot as a pet, but he later realizes that all pets in the dome are robots. Ironically, Chip does everything as a normal dog. When Martin realizes that Chip is not installed with a monitoring device, he escapes with him from the dome to save Cassie, who is about to be recalled by the government because of the error that occurred during her manufacturing in the lab.

The irony of the dome

The people living in the dome are told that they should never dare to go outside because they will die of radiation and other related rays. Martin has spent the entirety of his life in the dome together with other people. However, when Martin realizes that his pet has no monitoring device, he decides to escape with him and get out of the dome to save Cassie. Ironically, when Martin gets out of the dome, the reality is different from what he had expected. Martin is shocked to learn that the outside world is green and very habitable because it has a good environment compared to the dome.

The Sky Inside

The novel's title, 'The Sky Inside,' is satirical because it contradicts readers' expectations in several aspects. For instance, readers are eager to know what happened to Cassie. Martin and his pet dog escape from the dome to search for Cassie. The reader anticipates that Martin and his dog will save Cassie because they successfully escape from the dome. After sleeping for a while, Martin wakes up and sees the government man who came to take all the wonder babies, including Cassie. Martin and his dog are close to the cave, where he believes Cassie is hidden. Satirically, the novel ends in suspense, leaving the reader wondering what happened next.

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