The Short Stories of Lydia Davis Themes

The Short Stories of Lydia Davis Themes

Theft - “A Story of Stolen Salamis”

“A Story of Stolen Salamis” is about a “petty vandalism and theft” whereby “the shed was broken into and the salamis were taken.” The larceny is the basic idea in the narrative that accentuates the landlord’s philosophical outlook on the incident.

Online Dating - “A Story Told To Me By a Friend”

Lydia Davis recounts, “A friend of mine told me a sad story the other day about a neighbour of hers. He had begun a correspondence with a stranger through an online dating service. The friend lived hundreds of miles away, in North Carolina. The two men exchanged messages and then photos and were soon having long conversations, at first in writing and then by phone.” Online dating transpires principally by way of the Internet, which stimulates an illusion of a companionable and auspicious love that could climax in matrimony.

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