The Short Stories of Lydia Davis Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What binary does Davis introduce in “A Story of Stolen Salamis”?

    Salamis versus Sausages binary: The binary cannot be decomposed because it is chiefly based on idiosyncratic understandings. The binary accentuates the inescapability of postmodern relativism that cannot be constricted into unqualified, determinate designations.

  2. 2

    How does Davis epitomize postmodernism in “A Story Told to Me by a Friend”?

    Davis elucidates, “Here, some parts of the story are missing, but my friend told me that what her neighbour learned was that, on that very day, even as he was on his way south, his Internet friend had died of a heart attack while on the phone with his doctor.” The omissions of overlong particulars apropos how the man established the bereavement of his internet lover is Minimalism. Through minimalism, Davis circumvents explanations that would have been incomprehensive and uncorroborated. The weightiest idea regarding the internet lover’s passing is what Davis wants the reader to grasp.

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