The Portrait Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Portrait Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Money (Symbol)

The symbol of the money is the most important in this short story. As we know the money can destroy fate of people and the author proves it there. Andrey Petrovich Chartkov always dreams to live on the fat of the land. But as we know, one must pay for everything. And the main character pays with his life. So, money symbolizes evil, which ruins the life of the main character.

Mysterious portrait (Allegory)

Firstly, the acquired portrait seems as the usual, beautiful picture. But the main character doesn’t even suppose that this portrait is his chastisement. Finding the money in the frame, he considers that it is his only way to get rid of the poverty. But it is a big mistake. This portrait is the way straight to the death and destroys him. Maybe, it is an ordeal of his life… Nobody knows.

Art, Temptation, Evil (Motif)

These three motifs give the reader to imagine all things which are going on here. The art inspires people and gives the opportunity to comprehend this surrounding world. The art is eternal and excellent, because it brings the beauty, perfection and goodness in this world. And everybody can find something wonderful in it like Chartkov finds something magical in the portrait with the old man. This usual portrait attracts him and Chartkov falls under its influence.But the old man is an evil, which destroys the life of the painter and kills him.

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