The Mothers Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Describe how Nadia’s behavior was affected by her mother’s death

    Nadia’s mother committed suicide by shooting herself. Nadia becomes distressed and lonely. Her father is not strict on her, and this prompts Nadia to loiter through San Diego, looking for alcohol. She starts missing classes to go to strip clubs. Her behavior deteriorates, and she ends up getting pregnant. However, Nadia chooses to terminate her pregnancy with the help of Lukas. Nadia’s behavior is wicked throughout her youth. That may be attributed to her mother’s death. Her father does not monitor her behavior, and she ends up involving herself in unethical activities.

  2. 2

    How do Nadia and Aubrey's mothers leave a legacy of guilt and shame?

    Mothers of these two daughters leave them at an early age at the mercy of promiscuous men. Aubrey’s mother is not bothered when her daughter is raped severally by her boyfriend, Paul. The activity strains the mother-daughter relationship. Similarly, Nadia does not enjoy her mother’s love because she commits suicide when Nadia is young. As a consequence, the two daughters are subjected to early pregnancy. However, they choose to take an abortion. Their childhood actions have an impact on their lives. But that can be blamed on their mothers. The two daughters are raised without a mother’s love.

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