The Map of Love

The Map of Love Analysis

The Map of Love is an amalgamation of international politics of the Middle East and the romantic love of two women separated by time and generations. The author delves into the personal lives of the characters while highlighting the political struggle at the start and end of the 20th century in Egypt.

The novel tells the story of Anna Winterbourne at the start of the century as she relocates to Egypt and her life gets entangled with that of Egyptian nationalists. Accordingly, expresses the political tension during the British occupation and the rising nationalism and how that climate blends with their domestic lives. Moreover, delves into the local traditions and the cultural differences that become concerns due to the union between Anna and Sharif. Their love reverberates years later when Anna’s descendant who is a journalist falls in love with an Egyptian-American conductor.

Consequently showcases how so much has changed over generation whilst most aspects remain the same. In that, through the similar life outcomes of Anna and her descendant Isabel, the novel also juxtaposes the politics of the region over the century. Thus, draws comparisons between the romantic longings of the heart and the passion behind the struggle for power. The story analyses the impact of British Imperialism and the Western interference that continues into modern times. Therefore highlights the response in the Middle East as political extremism has grown and altered over the 100years to the late 20th century.

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