The Hundred Dresses


It was a 1945 Newbery Honor book.[5] A 2004 study found that it was a common read-aloud book for third-graders in schools in San Diego County, California.[6] Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association listed the book as one of its "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children."[7]

The Hundred Dresses" by Eleanor Estes has come under scrutiny due to a critical article written by Ewa Thompson in November 2020.[8] Thompson, a Professor Emerita of Slavic Studies at Rice University, argues that the book, despite its recognition by the National Education Association and inclusion in the "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children," perpetuates negative stereotypes and denigrates Polish Americans. According to Thompson, the portrayal of Wanda Petronski, a third-grader and daughter of a Polish immigrant, raises concerns about cultural insensitivity and patronizing attitudes. Thompson highlights that the character's father is depicted with poor and coarse English, reminiscent of stereotypes, and Wanda is subject to relentless bullying by her classmates.

Thompson contends that the narrative reflects a sense of superiority reminiscent of past racial attitudes, drawing parallels between the treatment of Wanda and historical mistreatment of marginalized groups. The article criticizes the portrayal of Wanda as passive and unable to stand up for herself, suggesting that her feelings are not articulated or explored in the story. Thompson also questions the book's inclusion in educational curricula, especially considering its potential impact on Polish-American students and others of non-Germanic, Central European backgrounds.

The controversy extends beyond the narrative to the perceived insensitivity of the book's conclusion, where Thompson argues that the focus on the "conversion to goodness" of Wanda's tormentors, Maddie and Peggy, sidelines Wanda's own experience. The article questions why the National Education Association includes a book with what it deems racist undertones on its list of top children's books and calls for a reevaluation of its place in educational settings.

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