The House at Pooh Corner Summary

The House at Pooh Corner Summary

Pooh Bear is on his way to his friend Piglet. It is snowing and it is getting really cold, and Pooh creates a song about the weather. Then he decides to sing it to Eeyore and calls Piglet to him. On their way Pooh tought Piglet the song. When they came to where Eeyore was supposed to be, there was nobody. While waiting Pooh decides to build a house for Eeyore, Piglet says that he has seen the pile of sticks on the other side of the forest, so they went there to get the sticks and build a house for Eeyore. Eeyore meanwhile goes to Christopher Robin, because it is too cold outside and he has no place to live. However in the morning he has gathered a pile of sticks to live in, but it is no there anymore. Christopher Robin wants to go to see what it is all about. When they came there really was no pile, but they heard a song and recognized the voices of Pooh and Piglet. So when they all greeted each other, Eeyore said that there was supposed to be his house, but Pooh said that his house was on the other side of the forest, so they came all there. Eeyore thought that wind must have brought his house here.

Once in the evening when Pooh has already gone to bed, he heard some strange sounds. He looked out into the night and saw at his door a strange animal. The animal said that he was a Tigger. Pooh invited the guest into the house and let him sleep on the floor. Following morning they sat to the table to eat their breakfast. Pooh ate honey and let his new friend have some too, but as it turned out Tiggers do not eat honey, and Pooh was very glad. So they went to Piglet to have some haycorns. And it turned out that Tiggers do not haycorns either. So they all went to Eeyore to have thistles, but Tiggers do not eat thistles either. Next their stop was Christopher Robin’s house and all together left for Kanga’s house to get some breakfast for Tigger. There Kanga was giving Roo some Extract of Malt, which he did not like much. Tigger accidentaly tried it and liked it very much. So since then Tigger lives with Kanga and has some Extract of Malt for breakfast, dinner and supper.

One day Rabbit’s revative Small has been lost and and all the animals were organized by Rabbit to find him. While searching Pooh fell into the well, and Piglet was there already. They started to think what should they do, and meanwhile Christopher Robin came to rescue. And as they came out there was something on the Pooh’s back – it was Small. So the search stopped.

One day Tigger and Roo were wlking in the forest, and Roo was asking Tigger questions about what Tiggers could do. As it turned out Tiggers could do anything – swimming, jumping, climbing etc. When they reached a high pine tree Roo offered Tigger to climb up. He got on the Tigger’s back, and they climbed. When they reached the top brunched it appeared that Tiggers could climb only up, they could not get down because of the tail. So they sat there. Pooh, Piglet, Christopher Robin and Eeyore came along and started to think how to help them up. Christopher Robin took off his tunic, each of the four animal took the edge of it, and Roo with Tigger jumped down, and successfully reached the ground.

One morning Rabbit came to Christopher Robin’s house but he was out and there was a note on his door which said that he was busy and would be back soon. Rabbit got rather intrigued where Christopher Robin went, so he started an investigation to find out what his friend was doing lately in the mornings. The investigation showed that Christopher Robin was learning, he was getting knowledge.

One summer afternoon Rabbit, Pooh, Piglet and Roo got to the bridge to play Poohsticks. It is a game invented by Pooh – the participants gather on one side of a river and throw sticks into the water, then they rush to the other side through the bridge and wait the sticks there, whose stick comes first – he wins. So they were playing when saw something swimming in the water – it was Eeyore. The friends helped him get out, and he said that he was bounced in the river by Tigger. There came Tigger and said that he did not bounce but coughed. They were arguing when Christopher Robin came long and offered to play Poohsticks. So they did, and had a splendid time together.

One sunny day Rabbit, Pooh and Piglet were sitting and talking, and Rabbit offered to teach Tigger a lesson concerning his bouncing. They decided to take him into the forest and leave him there, as he was a new animal and did not know it well. And after some time they would find him and he would be very thankful and quiet. So they did. But when they left him they lost themselves, and Tigger went home supposing thay they went home as well. After some time Christopher Robin came to Tigger to ask where those three were, because no one knew, and together with Tigger went to look for them. And when Tigger found Rabbit, the last one was very thankful and quiet.

One day Pooh and Piglet decided to visit each of there friends, and the last one was Owl who they visited. It was a very windy day though. When they entered Owl’s house there happened a very loud sound and all the house began to move, it was the wind that has broken the tree Owl’s house was situated on. It fell in a way that front door was on the ceiling and they started to think how to get there. So they brought Piglet to the ceiling on a rope and he was off to bring some help. So Owl had no place to live, and all the animals gathered to find him a new place. Eeyore was the one who has found a proper house and offered Owl to move in. So Owl did and every one wished him all the happiness in his new house.

After some time everyone in the forest knew that Christophe Robin would leave soon, so they all gathered in the Eeyore’s house and signed a poem written by Eeyore for Christopher Robin to remember them by. Then they all came to Christopher Robin’s house and gave him the piece of paper with a poem. While he was reading it all the animals left, and it was only Pooh who stayed. They two had a walk to the top of the forest and said a private good-bye. Pooh promised he would never forget about Christopher Robin.

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